Big Brother 24 promo highlights ‘top moments’ (video)
While we’re likely still weeks away from Big Brother 24 premiering on CBS, it’s at least nice to see some sort of promotional campaign.
While we’re likely still weeks away from Big Brother 24 premiering on CBS, it’s at least nice to see some sort of promotional campaign.
As we get closer to the premiere of Big Brother 24, that’s going to lead to the rumor mill going into overdrive.
We’re less than a month away now from the premiere of Big Brother 24 and the moment the show comes back, we’ll be thrilled.
Big Brother 24 is going to be coming onto CBS in just one month’s time — so how exactly are some things going behind the scenes?
Is Big Brother casting finally moving in the right direction? At this point, it feels like we’re getting there.
Now that we are getting closer to the Big Brother 24 premiere, isn’t it nice to talk over a few ideas again?
Earlier this week, it was finally revealed that Big Brother 24 will be premiering on CBS come July 6, and we are very much stoked about that.
Now that a premiere date has been announced, there’s one more Big Brother 24 question to ask: When’s the cast reveal?
Following the big premiere-date news today, is there anything more that we can say in regards to the Big Brother 24 cast?
Do we have a Big Brother 24 premiere date at CBS? Is it now officially out there? Here’s what we know for now…