Big Brother 24: When do live feeds kick off for the season?

Big Brother

Even though we do not know the full cast yet for Big Brother 24there is something else we can discuss: The start of the live feeds.

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Today, CBS officially confirmed that on premiere night (July 6), the feeds will be available starting at 11:00 p.m. Big Brother Time — otherwise known as 2:00 a.m. on July 7 for those of you on the East Coast. This basically means that you’ll have a short amount of time to make yourself some popcorn and settle in for the start of a pretty crazy summer! The feeds are of course going to be on Paramount+ again, so be sure to sign up by premiere night to make sure you don’t miss anything.

For those of you who are new to Big Brother, the live feeds are where the vast majority of the game is played. You can see houseguests socialize and alliances form in a really natural and organic way. There are no Diary Room sessions or edited packages, and the feeds are on the majority of the time. There’s downtime here and there for interruptions by producers, or for a competition like HoH / The Power of Veto. It can be a really immersive, crazy experience.

Hopefully, we’re going to have a chance to get more news about the cast over the next few days, or about some of the larger twists at the heart of this season. We absolutely do think that CBS is in no hurry to announce stuff here, mostly because there’s no real reason for them to. They know that people are going to watch, and this does give them a little more flexibility if there are any last-minute decisions they want to make on the cast.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother right now

What are you the most excited for when it comes to Big Brother 24?

Also, do you enjoy watching the live feeds more than you do the show itself? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back for some other updates. (Photo: CBS.)


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