Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Veto prep & drama! (day 11)
The latest Big Brother 24 Power of Veto Competition is just starting up — so what is going on in the house leading up to it?
The latest Big Brother 24 Power of Veto Competition is just starting up — so what is going on in the house leading up to it?
The week 2 Veto players were chosen today within the Big Brother 24 house — want to know who is taking part?
The week 2 nominations have come in from Big Brother 24, and we’d say that they are both somewhat expected and marginally surprising.
The Big Brother 24 nomination ceremony is set to happen in a matter of hours, and we’ve got a good sense here of what is set to happen.
Welcome to day 10 within the Big Brother 24 house! There is a lot going on here, but we should start by noting this…
Who won the second Head of Household Competition within the Big Brother 24 house? This is something we absolutely wanted an answer to.
Why did Paloma Aguilar leave Big Brother 24? Entering the new episode tonight, we know this was a question many people had.
Is Big Brother 24 new tonight on CBS? If you find yourselves wondering about that, we absolutely understand; it’s so easy to be confused!
This morning, we woke up expecting some further news on Paloma’s status on Big Brother 24 or the live feeds.
Could Paloma be leaving Big Brother 24 prior to the first live eviction show of the season? There is already speculation.