Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: The full nomination plan (day 24)
With the nomination ceremony coming to the Big Brother 24 house in a reasonably short period of time now, isn’t it nice to know what’s ahead?
With the nomination ceremony coming to the Big Brother 24 house in a reasonably short period of time now, isn’t it nice to know what’s ahead?
Welcome to day 24 of the Big Brother 24 house! Now that we have a new Head of Household, we can start to think about the plan.
Near the end of tonight’s Big Brother 24 episode, the CBS show did us a pretty massive favor and answered a key question.
Following tonight’s Big Brother 24 eviction, it makes some sense that you’d want to hear a little bit more from Ameerah Jones.
As we prepared for tonight’s Big Brother 24 eviction show on CBS tonight, we also anticipated bad news for Ameerah Jones.
Who won Head of Household in the Big Brother 24 house tonight? There was chaos and uncertainty aplenty entering the competition.
As we prepare for the Big Brother 24 live eviction show tonight, we know that the players are looking to cover their tracks.
Tonight on Big Brother 24 we’re going to have an eviction show, and we may not have been this excited about that in a really long time.
We are nearing the end of day 22 in the Big Brother 24 house, but the hits just keep coming for The Leftovers!
What happened at the Veto Ceremony on Big Brother 24? Given that tonight’s episode ended with a cliffhanger, it is fair to wonder.