Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Dyre Fest nominations (day 45)
To say the past hour in the Big Brother 24 house has been frustrated is putting it mildly … but it also seems to be working for Kyle.
To say the past hour in the Big Brother 24 house has been frustrated is putting it mildly … but it also seems to be working for Kyle.
At the moment, there is 100% a bizarre dichotomy within the Big Brother 24 house. One side of the house has potential to be a huge mess.
Well, we suppose that this was only a matter of time — Kyle has exposed the Leftovers to Alyssa in the Big Brother 24 house.
Welcome to day 45 in the Big Brother 24 house! We now have the Dyre Fest and Big Brochella teams in the game.
Welcome to day 45 of the Big Brother 24 house! It may be fair to say that things are very different right now than they’ve ever been before.
Following her Big Brother 24 eviction tonight, are you looking for the Indy Santos – Julie Chen Moonves extended interview?
Who won HoH in the Big Brother 24 house? Suffice it to say, this Head of Household Competition is different due to the Split House.
Was Indy Santos evicted on tonight’s two-hour Big Brother 24 episode? As we prepared to see it play out, that is something we 100% expected.
Tonight on Big Brother 24, we are going to see something we ever have before. After all, the house is going to be split in different groups!
Given just how messy things have been for most of the week within the Big Brother 24 house, we can’t be shocked if there is some chaos.