Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Feeds ‘return’ + Kyle in trouble?

Kyle Capener Big Brother

There’s a little bit of good news and bad news to report when it comes to Big Brother 24 and the live feeds. Where do we start?

Well, the good news here is that the feeds are back after being MIA since last night; however, the feeds are only back inside. Consider this more evidence that 1) there was a wall yeller outside and 2) they are trying to keep there from being another one. Production things that if they don’t show Joseph and Turner in trouble out in the Dyre Fest part of the game, nobody will try and interfere. (Terrance has the Veto, and Turner and Joseph remain on the block.)

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We can’t speak to if anyone outside heard the wall yeller or not; instead, the simplest thing we can say is this. Wall yeller or not, Joseph has to sit back and realize how precarious a spot his game is in. He’s played a really underrated strategic/social game so far that hasn’t been given proper credit on the show. He just needs to realize now that it’s amazing the Leftovers made it to final ten and it’s okay to turn on one another now. The moment that Kyle did not use the Veto, that should’ve been a sign that he was against you rather than with you. We would have went to Terrance almost immediately and ratted out the alliance + said Kyle started it and named it. That’s been his claims in some Goodbye Messages already. All of this plus the showmance could have made him a target, and there is is still a way to spin it. Tell Terrance that you’re done with the Leftovers and you want Michael out after Kyle. Anything to stay alive, right?

Inside, there has been some interesting stuff happening, at least in that Taylor is going to be 100% out on Kyle if Monte goes. Kyle could be in BIG trouble next week depending on what happens.

Meanwhile, Monte told Taylor that Michael could be a target at final five, and Taylor then told Brittany. Is this justification to get him out over Jasmine right now? From our vantage point, no. Jasmine will easy join up with Terrance, Alyssa, and Kyle if she is saved this week and finds out she’s been left out of this big alliance. Michael has to know that Monte was never going to take him to final two; just keep him now and deal with the problem later.

What do you want to see happen the rest of the day in Big Brother 24?

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