Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Monte’s decision (day 67)
This weekend is a big one in the Big Brother 24 house when it comes to determining the path to the endgame.
This weekend is a big one in the Big Brother 24 house when it comes to determining the path to the endgame.
As some of you may be aware, the Power of Veto was played early this morning within the Big Brother 24 house.
Here is something that we did not expect to wake up to this morning: A Power of Veto winner within the Big Brother 24 house!
We’re a few hours removed from the nomination ceremony in the Big Brother 24 house, and we’re of course there’s a lot to discuss.
The final five nominations are officially in from the Big Brother 24 house — so what is there to say about them?
More than likely, we are hours away from the nomination ceremony taking place within the Big Brother 24 house.
Following last night’s Big Brother 24 Double Eviction show, it is clear that we have an entirely new game and a new HoH plan.
Following tonight’s Big Brother 24 eviction, Michael Bruner finally was evicted. He won SO many competitions and dominated much of the season.
Following tonight’s Big Brother 24 Double Eviction episode, are you excited to learn who won HoH? Let’s get into that and more.
Tonight’s Big Brother 24 episode gave us a first look at jury house — and we expected a lot of major conversations with that.