Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: More vote discussions… (day 67)

Taylor Hale Big Brother

If there is one thing that surprises us the most about the Big Brother 24 live feeds today, it’s how much activity there has been! Given that there are only five people left in the game, it would’ve been easy to think that the remaining players would just take a nap — especially after an early-morning Veto.

Yet, the plan seems to be set now as to what’s going to happen the next few days; we’ll just see if it changes.

Related Check out more Big Brother 24 updates, including other news straight from the live feeds

If you haven’t been reading over the past few days, then know this: Monte is the Head of Household, and originally he nominated Brittany and Alyssa for eviction. Brittany won the Veto and, of course, will take herself off the block. That’s a good thing, since so many players have this immense amount of frustration towards her for all of the “info” she’s been spreading around.

Monte confirmed to us earlier this afternoon that he will be nominating Taylor as a replacement rather than Turner — which Brittany told him wouldn’t go over well with the jury. (She may be right, but Monte didn’t want to hear that.) Now, Brittany has told Taylor that if she’s on the block, she’s got her vote, and we know that Monte will break the tie in Taylor’s favor and get out Alyssa. Turner is claiming that he’ll take out Alyssa, at least to Monte … but we’ll see what happens there. We don’t think Turner wants to lose someone he’s been close to for a while, and he may try something; Alyssa could to, but she’s gotta convince us that she’s got some element of killer instinct here to pull this off.

We expect Taylor to continue to check in with people, as well, over the next little while. Monte discussed a final three of himself, Taylor, and Turner to Turner, which indicates further that Brittany would be the target next time. Of course, the funny thing is that Taylor stands a MUCH better chance of beating Turner or Monte than Brittany does at the end of the game; either they are blind to that fact right now or simply don’t care.

Where do you think we’re going to see things go in the Big Brother 24 house tomorrow?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, come back for some other updates. (Photo: CBS.)

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