Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Brittany’s pitch to Monte (day 76)
We know that for the past couple of days, Brittany has made it clear within Big Brother 24 that she wanted to make a specific pitch to Monte.
We know that for the past couple of days, Brittany has made it clear within Big Brother 24 that she wanted to make a specific pitch to Monte.
Is the showmance between Monte and Taylor over in Big Brother 24? It really hasn’t been going on for that long and yet, there are cracks.
Are we going to finally get some movement in the Big Brother 24 house when it comes to strategy! There are some talks…
In what has to be some of the least surprising Big Brother 24 news of the day, the cat is officially out of the bag with Monte & Taylor.
What’s going on this afternoon in the Big Brother 24 house? We know that the houseguests are still confused about the schedule.
Is Big Brother 24 new tonight on CBS? Or, are we about to see the presence of NFL games find a way to push the show back once more?
Welcome to day 75 of Big Brother 24 — we’re just one week removed from the finale! Want to know a little bit more?
Day 74 in the Big Brother 24 house is almost done and on paper, it does look as though the plan for the week is set in stone.
Earlier this afternoon, we noted that Brittany hadn’t quite given up when it comes to accepting her fate in Big Brother 24.
Things are fairly calm within the Big Brother 24 house this afternoon, but is there potential for some drama underneath the surface? There is absolutely some room for discussion here! So where do we start things off? The best possible play is noting where things stand at present with the vote. It feels still like a sure […]