Big Brother 24 finale: Where was Paloma during pre-jury segment?
Where was Paloma during the Big Brother 24? We do think it’s possible that some people out there may be wondering that.
Where was Paloma during the Big Brother 24? We do think it’s possible that some people out there may be wondering that.
Who won America’s Favorite Player, a.k.a. AFP, during the Big Brother 24 finale? We know there was plenty of curiosity around that!
Tonight’s Big Brother 24 finale had some super-high stakes — did Taylor Hale, Monte Taylor, or Matt Turner win it all?
As we approach the end of the Big Brother 24 finale, this brings us back to the age-old question: Are there backyard interviews?
As we get into tonight’s big two-hour finale, should we be prepared for a Big Brother 25 at CBS? It seems like a no-brainer.
The Big Brother 24 finale is airing in a few hours and while the live feeds are done, there is still much to discuss!
For everyone who has watched the Big Brother 24 live feeds this season, we are 100% at the end of an era now. Live feeds are over!
For everyone out there who is excited for the Big Brother 24 finale, here is your big reminder that it is just a matter of hours away!
It took a long time for some major game-related talks to happen in the Big Brother 24 house today, but it finally happened this afternoon.
We’re now deep into the afternoon on the Big Brother 24 live feeds and for now, we’re getting a sense of where everyone’s priorities lie.