Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Week 9 Veto players (day 60)
We have made it to day 60 within the Big Brother 25 house, and there is quite a bit to anticipate today. Who are the Veto players?
We have made it to day 60 within the Big Brother 25 house, and there is quite a bit to anticipate today. Who are the Veto players?
Now that we are hours away from the nomination ceremony on Big Brother 25 tonight, why not have a talk about replacement nominees?
The latest nomination ceremony has concluded in the Big Brother 25 house — so did everything go 100% according to plan?
Is it weird to anyone else that Hisam is still a main character in Big Brother 25 so many weeks after his initial eviction?
We’re in a new era on day 59 of Big Brother 25, one where people actually have to play the game after Scary Week!
Following tonight’s Big Brother 25 episode, are you looking for the extended interview with the eliminated Jared Fields?
Following the end of the zombie competition in Big Brother 25, there was one key question worth asking: Who won HoH?
Entering tonight’s Big Brother 25 live episode, there was only one question: Was Cameron or Jared gone for good?
The first thing that we really should do when it comes to Big Brother 25 right now is celebrate. Why is that?
For those of you who want to get a window into where a certain player’s head is at on the Big Brother 25 live feeds, let’s talk about Blue.