Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: The luxury comp fiasco (day 88)
When the Big Brother 25 live feeds went down a stretch of time after the Veto today, we were 100% curious as to the reason.
When the Big Brother 25 live feeds went down a stretch of time after the Veto today, we were 100% curious as to the reason.
Who won the final five Veto this week in the Big Brother 25 house? Of course, this was one of the biggest competitions yet.
As some of you may be aware at this point, the final five Power of Veto Competition is happening on Big Brother 25. What can we say about it?
As so many of you know at this point, the final five Power of Veto Competition is coming in the Big Brother 25 house tomorrow.
We are a few hours removed at this point from the Big Brother 25 final five nomination ceremony, so where are things at right now?
The final five nominations have now happened within Big Brother 25 — so how do they shape the future of the game? We should note here, first and foremost, that Head of Household Matt has the potential to make a huge move this week. However, it makes no sense to do it at nominations. Since everyone gets […]
With the nomination ceremony happening a little bit later today within Big Brother 25, of course it makes sense for Matt to have a plan.
We expected a little bit of craziness from the Big Brother 25 house overnight, but what we got with Matt’s HoH letter genuinely shocked us.
We have arrived to the final five portion of Big Brother 25 at this point and with that, why not discuss who won HoH?
As so many of you were aware entering tonight’s Big Brother 25 Double Eviction show, there was potential for chaos!