Doctor Who season 13: Does show boss know the premiere date?
We know that there is a new Doctor Who special coming on BBC One / BBC America come New Year’s Day, but what about beyond that?
We know that there is a new Doctor Who special coming on BBC One / BBC America come New Year’s Day, but what about beyond that?
The Doctor Who special “Revolution of the Daleks” is going to be taking place on New Year’s Day — and there are many reasons for excitement!
Are you excited to check out the next Doctor Who special? “Revolution of the Daleks” is coming right around the corner.
In case you did not know as of yet, Doctor Who season 13 is currently in production, and of course it comes with its fair share of challenges.
There is a chance that you’ve heard the news already that Bradley Walsh and Tosin Cole are leaving Doctor Who after the New Year’s special.
Are you prepared to see the Doctor Who special entitled “Revolution of the Daleks”? We hope so, since signs suggest this will be memorable.
One of the most important things about Doctor Who, in a way, is just how temporary the show’s cast is from top to bottom.
The first trailer has arrived for the upcoming Doctor Who holiday special, and we gotta say it’s everything we could have hoped for.
Doctor Who season 13 is currently in production, but when it does eventually air, prepare for things to be a little bit different.
We know that Doctor Who has an upcoming holiday special entitled “Revolution of the Daleks,” and of course we’re eager to see what happens.