Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Monte and Taylor kiss (day 70)
Welcome to day 70 in the Big Brother 24 house! Isn’t it fair to say we’re in the home stretch now? It’s certainly a surprising morning…
Welcome to day 70 in the Big Brother 24 house! Isn’t it fair to say we’re in the home stretch now? It’s certainly a surprising morning…
Given that Turner and Brittany are the two people voting this week within the Big Brother 24 house, it made sense they have a chat, right?
The Veto Ceremony has come and gone within the Big Brother 24 house and of course, there is a decent amount to unpack.
The final five Veto Ceremony results are in from the Big Brother 24 house but in this update, we’re going to beyond that!
The Veto Ceremony will be taking place a little later today in the Big Brother 24 house, but we do have a sense of what’s going to happen!
At some point before the Veto Ceremony in the Big Brother 24 house, we assumed that Brittany was going to make some sort of move in the game.
We’re now in the thick of the afternoon in the Big Brother 24 house and, of course, we’re anticipating more game-talk.
Is Big Brother 24 new tonight over on CBS — or, are we going to see the show pushed back because of the start of the NFL season?
Welcome to day 68 in the Big Brother 24 house! We’re excited to see what lies ahead, even if the hours in the game are totally out of whack.
If there is one thing that surprises us the most about the Big Brother 24 live feeds today, it’s how much activity there has been!