Big Brother Canada 6 interview: Rozina Yaqub on her eviction, cooking, and Johnny’s regret
In this Big Brother Canada 6 – Rozina Yaqub exit interview, we discuss some of the events that led to her departure from the game.
Big Brother Canada, Interviews
In this Big Brother Canada 6 – Rozina Yaqub exit interview, we discuss some of the events that led to her departure from the game.
This morning, we’ve gotten some pretty interesting conversations within the Big Brother Canada 6 house … especially when it comes to the backdoor target.
It is now day 6 in the Big Brother Canada 6 house, and we officially know now both the week 2 HoH and also have a better sense of what the current state of the house is.
How was Kirsten MacInnis not voted into the Big Brother Canada 6 house? We have some more news on that debate.
What happened in the first Big Brother Canada 6 eviction of the season? Let’s just say that this is one that made us sad.
What are the nominations in the Big Brother Canada house at the moment, and who is the favorite to leave the game week 1?
When are the Big Brother Canada 6 live feeds going to be starting up? We’ve got some more information on that subject.
In our Big Brother Canada 6 premiere review, we discuss the battle between Heaven and Hell — also, the first major twist of the season.
In our annual Big Brother Canada 6 prediction article, we discuss who will be the contender who emerge as the champion this time around.
Big Brother Canada, Interviews
Leading up to the premiere of Big Brother Canada 6 take a look at what Arisa Cox had to say in setting up the season.