Big Brother 25: New CBS promo hypes up the nostalgia
We are less than a month away now from seeing Big Brother 25 premiere on CBS — why not celebrate with a new promo?
We are less than a month away now from seeing Big Brother 25 premiere on CBS — why not celebrate with a new promo?
For those who have not heard, it is looking very much like Big Brother 25 is going to be one of the longest seasons.
As some of you are most likely aware at this point, the Big Brother 25 premiere is coming to CBS on Wednesday, August 2.
At this particular point in time, it looks as though Big Brother 25 is going to be a pretty long season. So, how long are we talking?
We may be waiting to see Big Brother 25 premiere on CBS, but you don’t have to wait to see Julie Chen Moonves doing what she does best.
We know that the premiere of Big Brother 25 is a couple of months away from premiering on CBS — is it easy to be excited?
We know that we are going to be stuck waiting a long time still to see Big Brother 25 premiere on CBS — what can we hope for?
As we prepare for the Big Brother 25 premiere in early August, how much can you expect this season to look towards the past?
Now that we have an official Big Brother 25 premiere date, what’s the next order of business when it comes to the CBS show?
For those who have not heard the news already, Big Brother 25 is coming to CBS, albeit a little bit later than we first expected.