Survivor 48 episode 4: Kyle and Kamilla make their move

We knew entering Survivor 48 episode 4 there was going to be a dramatic tribe swap. What we were not prepared for was the end result of Tribal Council, and arguably one of the most well-executed moves we have seen in the game in a rather long time.
After all, in order to better understand the intelligence of what Kyle and Kamilla were able to pull off, you have to go back to her sitting out of a challenge and learning what Thomas said about his previous “Journey” — and how that information did not track with what she had heard. This allowed her entering the swap to know that Thomas was not being fully honest, and that then gave her a a suitable target on the cursed Vula tribe.
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Then, you add in here what she and Kyle did when it comes to gameplay, making their alliance secret enough so that they were able to present themselves as rivals within their original tribe. Kamilla then got intel that Kyle was a target and luckily, he did not hide his immunity idol in his bag when it was being searched. That gave him an opportunity to play it, and luckily, there was no vote-splitting as he and Kamilla got Thomas, a major strategic threat, out of the game.
What does all of this represent? Well, it is a perfect example of how to handle a post-tribe swap environment using deception and social game. Sure, Kyle had the benefit of an idol, but here’s a reminder that Thomas went home with a Vote Steal advantage. Had he played it and then used Kamilla’s vote against her, there could have been a 1-1 tie at Tribal Council. From there, she would have been booted at the tiebreaker provided Kyle still played his idol on himself.
By far, we have witnessed the best move of Survivor 48 — can get the game get better from here?
Related – Learn more about what lies ahead on Survivor 48
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