Survivor 48 episode 3 preview: Another mad idol search!

Based on the preview that we saw tonight entering Survivor 48 episode 3 on CBS, one thing feels pretty darn clear: Things will get crazy. Also, nobody is going to waste time on the Luva tribe in the wake of Kevin’s blindside!
In the opening moments alone of the latest preview, you can see that Mary is clearly sprinting off somewhere. There are only two possibilities that we can think of here — either she is sick and wants to throw up off-camera, or we are going to be seeing her take off in search of an idol!
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After all, remember for a moment here that Mary knows she needs it. Sai just played hers and presumably, it is going to be hidden somewhere out on the beach again. She also may not want Sai to get it again, which makes a whole lot of sense.
What’s happening with the idol elsewhere?
Well, we know back on the Purple Lagi tribe, there is already a legitimate debate when it comes to how to handle things with Star. We’ve seen some of that already! We feel for her in a way since everyone is going behind her back and chatting about getting her out of the game, but that is a part of how the show works.
Will someone actually step up to the plate and help her decode the message? That’s perhaps the biggest question mark of all. Personally, we’d want to go after Thomas at this point in the game, largely due to the fact that he’s also shown himself to be really difficult to trust and at a certain point in the game, it is really too risky to have someone like that around. He’ll do whatever it takes in order to win.
Related – Be sure to get some more thoughts on Survivor 48 now, including new insight on episode 2
What do you most want to see moving into Survivor 48 episode 3?
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