Teacup season 1 episode 5 sneak peek: The hunt for Assassin

Teacup season 1
Photo: Peacock

As we get prepared to see Teacup season 1 episode 5 on Peacock later this week, is everything going to make a little more sense?

Make no mistake here first and foremost: We absolutely want that. It is something that we’ve been yearning to see the past two weeks! The show so far has established itself as mysterious, dark, and at times difficult, with the biggest thing being that there is an alien Assassin out there that everyone has at least some sort of reason to fear.

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Now, if you head over to Bloody Disgusting, you can see a sneak preview for what lies ahead, one in which Maggie and many other characters all gather in a room with a singular goal: Trying to both weed out Assassin and figure out their own safety. We do recognize the strategy here, as there is strength in numbers and the more you split up, the more likely it is that you put yourself in a certain element of danger. This is something that these people have to be cognizant of right now.

Of course, what we know is that at the end of episode 4, Ellen was possessed and in the end, that feels pretty darn dangerous. After all, who is going to suspect James’ mother of anything? That’s one of those things that Assassin could easily exploit depending on where things go moving forward.

Beyond this dangerous situation, we really just still need to understand more of what is going on with these aliens — think in terms of what they want, let alone why they have chosen to land on Earth in the first place. There has to be at least some sort of reason for all of this, right?

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Teacup now, including more details on what is ahead

What are you most eager to see moving into Teacup season 1 episode 5 when it arrives at Peacock?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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