Industry season 4: The aftermath of Yasmin, Henry’s choice

Industry season 3
Photo: HBO

As we prepare to see Industry season 4 on HBO (no matter when it premieres), there is so much stuff to think about. For example, where are things going to go for Eric after what happened with Pierpoint? Or, how in the world is Rishi going to recover?

All of this is of course interesting, but so is the question as to what we’re going to be seeing from Yasmin moving forward. At one point in the finale last night, it finally seemed like she had chosen to be with Robert, deciding to fulfill the wishes of many a fan out there who have been rooting for the two of them.

However, by the end of the episode, he finds herself engaged and/or preparing for a future with none other than Henry Muck, someone who has a great deal of money and power — and does all of that mean a certain usefulness? Maybe, but this decision was not just about that. It’s more about what she thinks that she needs or does not.

Speaking about this moment further to IndieWire, here is what Marisa Abela had to say:

… I think that [moment with Robert] it is a very important moment for them, and I do think that it feels great for her, but I don’t think that Yasmin feels that she needs anyone to sort of emotionally fulfill her in that way. I don’t think she thinks it’s going to bring her the ultimate happiness. I think she thinks that she’s OK on her own. I think her move toward Henry isn’t a choice between Henry and Robert, it’s she’s choosing herself.

We do wonder whether or not Yasmin will come to regret this moment but at the same time, this is not the sort of show that cares about some big, star-crossed romance. It is about flawed characters doing what they think is right for them in the moment, and that may have devastating consequences.

Related When will Industry season 4 eventually premiere?

What do you most want to see moving into Industry season 4 when it comes to Yasmin and Henry?

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