Fallout season 2 premiere date: A fall 2024 update

Fallout season 1
Photo: Prime Video

With us moving into the fall this weekend, are we on the cusp of getting some great news regarding Fallout season 2?

Well, we really should start off here by noting that this may be one of Amazon’s most-anticipated shows at this point, and that’s a pretty cool thing given that the last season only aired a handful of months ago. It proved itself to be a pretty instant hit, whether it be for video games or people who have never played the games at all.

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Now, let’s get back to that premiere date question — what all is going to be said over the next few months? As great as it would be to get a lot of news on this, we have to utilize at least a certain amount of hesitation. If you are the folks at Prime Video, you certainly aren’t going to share too much here until filming is pretty close to being done — and it hasn’t even started yet!

We are certainly going to understand if there is a certain amount of unrealistic expectation out there that we’ll be revisiting The Ghoul and Lucy’s story soon. After all, we keep seeing these stories and hearing quotes about how this season could be “ahead of schedule” or that we will be seeing the next chapter as soon as possible. This is a show that has a long production cycle and beyond just that, a ton of visual effects. If it comes out before the end of next year, we will be pleasantly surprised. This is one of the reasons why we tend to think it will be a miracle if we hear a date by next summer; let’s just hope for casting news or something of that variety this fall.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Fallout right now, including some other chatter about the future

When do you want to see Fallout season 2 arrive on Prime Video?

Is there any one thing you are most expecting when it comes to the story? Let us know in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to also come back here for some more information.

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