Slow Horses season 4: Gary Oldman on Lamb’s deception

Slow Horses season 4
Photo: Apple TV+

If you are reading this particular article about Slow Horses, we most likely do not have to sell you on Jackson Lamb being a phenomenal character. He is one of the most unique personalities on television, someone who can keep you constantly guessing his true motive. There is something that is thoroughly exciting about that, and of course, we are very much curious to learn more when it comes to the various layers of his life.

For now, though, let’s look at things more on the surface — or, to be more specific, how he presents himself on the surface! Lamb is a guy who wants you to think that he is largely unassuming or bad at his job. His appearance is designed as such, he constantly skewers the agents of Slough House, and he shows almost zero respect for authority. It doesn’t appear as though he has any ambition at all.

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How much of all of this is an act? Well, Gary Oldman tells The Wrap that in some ways, his character may care more than he lets on:

Yeah. I think he rides his team so hard because in the world of espionage, mediocrity and incompetence is dangerous. It’ll get you killed. He gets sent these rejects [who] might be very good agents. It doesn’t mean that they’re absolutely useless, but they may have slipped up once, and then they get pushed over to Jackson Lamb. So he weeds them out. He’s harsh with them and rides them hard—because ultimately, it’s life and death. It’s a serious business.

Also, the whole thing with the greasy hair and not bathing very often and holes in his socks—it’s all designed to make people underestimate him.

In that way, mission accomplished? Remember here that Lamb has managed to make it through three seasons getting a certain element of resolution at every turn. He’s never going to be a sleek and slick super-spy, but he can get the job done in a pinch. That is one of the reasons why this show is so special, right?

Related See some more information now regarding the next Slow Horses episode

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