Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: New HoH’s plan (day 52)

We now have a new Head of Household within the Big Brother 26 house — with that, why not consider what they will do?
Well, let’s start with noting that for the second time this season Chelsie has the power, and what that means is that she’s at a really interesting point in the game. The jury just started, and she can figure out now if she wants to play it safe or make a move that could help her actually win.
The safe move for her right now clearly putting up Angela, and it does feel likely that this is something that she will do. She’s an easy pawn and if she gets evicted, nobody will be that mad at her. It will also hit even harder for Leah, who basically (and indirectly) set up Joseph’s eventual demise to protect someone who was gone a week later. Leah may also be a possible nominee based on Chelsie’s line of questioning to her in early meetings tonight, referencing how Leah may have wanted to keep Cam over her when the two were potentially in danger together earlier this season.
We should also mention here that Kimo is a pawn possibility of Chelsie really does just want Angela out, but it could also be a stealthy sneaky move for her if she really just wants to split up the trio of him, T’kor, and Rubina. She could then bring T’kor closer and feign ignorance that other people made a move and kept Angela.
As for Quinn…
Well, watch this space. She’s saying the right things to him but she knows he has sneak-like tendencies. Also, the guy literally compared her to Danielle Reyes to her face tonight and we know that Chelsie does not want people aware that she is playing a really good game until the end. She’s told him that he’s safe “potentially” (which is really her abiding by the rules in the basic sense), and she’s also not nominating Cam, Makensy, or T’kor. (Makensy had suggested T’kor just because she would ensure Angela goes, but she did not bite.)
Related – Why did Makensy and Chelsie flip this past vote in the first place?
What do you think the new Head of Household is going to do moving into Big Brother 26?
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