Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2: Who is Narvi?

Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 1
Photo: Prime Video

The premiere of Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2 is coming later this week, and it feels like this week will be huge. With San Diego Comic-Con right around the corner, of course we are anticipating a lot of big reveals!

Without further ado, let’s talk a little bit about a new dwarf coming into the equation in Narvi. Who is he, and what does he bring to the table?

Will, this new character (played by Kevin Eldon) is a dwarf smith who is mentioned in some of J.R.R. Tolkien’s appendices, and there is a chance that he may be able to influence both politics and craftsmanship moving forward. The goal of the second season has to be expanding the world, but also better understanding the role of the rings themselves. These are something that probably were not as meaningful in season 1 as you would have expected given the show’s title.

In speaking more about the part to Entertainment Weekly, here is some of what Eldon had to say:

“He’s weaving in and out of the action throughout the season … He’s only mentioned in Tolkien’s appendices, and he’s described as a great craftsman. [Showrunners] J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay had little to go on, but I think we have successfully turned this footnote into a flesh-and-blood character. As well as being this fantastic architect, we see in season 2 that he’s an adviser as well. He’s a right-hand man of King Durin.”

Ultimately, most of season 2 is going to revolve around the rise of Sauron and how much of Middle-earth works to counteract that — and for Galadriel in particular, this mission could be personal for an array of different reasons after what she’s gone through in season 1.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power right now, including early season 3 hopes

What do you most want to see from Narvi on Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2?

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