America’s Got Talent video: Alex Sampson sings ‘Pretty Baby’

America's Got Talent season 19
Photo: NBC

Tonight on NBC you are going to see the latest America’s Got Talent episode — is Alex Sampson poised to be a standout?

Well, let’s start by noting that the Canadian singer / songwriter seems to have no problem hopping out of a time machine. He feels like a teen idol from the late 1950’s / early 1960’s. He’s got a natural charm and sense of humor, and that’s without getting into the fact that he has a beautiful singing voice. His original song “Pretty Baby” may lead to plenty of swoons across the audience all over the globe.

If you head over to the link here, you can see the full audition and Simon Cowell really hits the nail on the head with his feedback — he recognizes that this song is one that could have been written decades ago, and in a way that’s really smart. Not only is that going to help him stand out, but we also feel like it could be useful when it comes to him getting a large pool of fans almost right away.

As for whether or not Alex goes far this season, that remains to be seen; yet, at the same time we do think he’s got an incredible amount of potential. A lot of viewers out there are certain to love him, and that is something that we can say with a ton of confidence.

It is worth noting that this is not someone who is coming on the show with an extremely-tiny audience, as he already has nearly a million followers on Instagram at the time of this writing. It feels pretty darn easy to assume that this will top a million after the episode airs, but the bar is going to be set super-high to see what some of his other performances are going to be down the road!

Related Be sure to get some more news on America’s Got Talent, including other upcoming auditions

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