Survivor 46 episode 7 sneak peek: Venus’ quest for answers

As you prepare yourselves to see Survivor 46 episode 7 on CBS tonight, we’re going to see an appearance from a storyline that we’ve long come to love. By that, we mean a hinky vote at Tribal Council!
Remember what happened here, starting with the fact that Moriah played her Shot in the Dark. She couldn’t vote, but Venus still received a vote while Mo went home! Charlie is the one who cast it, and we think some of that was due to him catching wind of what Venus was up to targeting him, and his desire to make her a little paranoid. Mission accomplished?
If you head over to the official Survivor YouTube Channel, you can see a new sneak peek for what lies ahead where Venus is already questioning what went down, and she seems as though she’s already accepted the idea that it was Soda, of all people, who actually did this. Why? Well, they haven’t seen eye-to-eye for a good while, which to some extent is the fault of both of them. We know that Soda didn’t do it, but her explanation here isn’t good — it couldn’t have been Moriah! Venus may figure out it was Charlie, but is it too little, too late?
The thing that both Nami and Tiga honestly need to do entering this episode is simple: Forget about this vote and reminder that you’ve got three people from Yanu who could easily flip back and forth between tribes and pick everyone off. They are battle-tested and by virtue of that, they are also going to be the sort of players who stick together much like we saw with Carolyn, Carson, and Yam Yam at times during season 44.
For now, we do think Venus is in big trouble — but, she is smart enough to figure something out.
Related – Be sure to get some other discussion entering the next Survivor episode
What do you think is going to happen on Survivor 46 episode 7 tomorrow night?
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