Survivor 45 episode 7: Sifu Alsup voted out first

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Photo: CBS

There were a lot of things exciting about Survivor 45 episode 7, but one of the most interesting was getting to see TWO people voted out. How did that happen? Well, the tribes were separated into two groups of six and for each one, there were big decisions that needed to be made.

For this particular piece, we’re going to dive into what was going on over at the Blue group, which consists of Bruce, Sifu, Kendra, Kellie, Emily, and Drew. While Kellie was able to win immunity, she lost to Dee on the Red team and by virtue of that, they had to go to Tribal Council first.

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The dynamics at play entering this were pretty interesting, namely in that Drew was in real danger given that he didn’t have his Safety Without Power advantage and was separated from the rest of his alliance from the former Reba. Meanwhile, Kendra was after Bruce, but the problem there was that Bruce had an idol that he could play. Kendra was also messy, and it felt like we were in a spot here where Kendra, Bruce, and Drew were the three obvious targets. Somehow, from there it became clear that Sifu was an easy target.

So what actually happened?

Sifu was voted out, and everyone took the easy road out here tonight. This was an exit that was not going to make any waves, for better or worse. We do think that they could regret it, especially since there’s a big Reba alliance that was untouched as a result of this.

Bruce did not play his idol and, at the same time, the Safety Without Power advantage was not played. With all of this in mind, there are a lot of things being saved for the future…

Related Be sure to get some more talk about Survivor 45, including the Red Tribal

What did you think about the events of Survivor 45 episode 7 overall?

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