Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Matt gets paranoid… (day 96)

Big Brother 25
Photo: CBS

In just a handful of hours, you are going to have a chance to see the latest Big Brother 25 eviction show here. So what’s going to happen here? Is Jag really going to send out his longtime ally Matt?

Well, at the moment, let’s just say that he is more than a little bit nervous about his place in the game…

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Even though Jag has given him some assurances here and there that he’ll be okay, we do think Matt has noticed some subtle changes in Jag’s behavior. He’s also never been on the block before, so there is also paranoia that comes with that. One more thing to note is how Matt noted that Jag was spending a lot of time in the Diary Room, which he interpreted to mean that he had a lot on his mind.

At this point, we do think that Jag is going to evict him, and Matt probably recognizes that if the tables were turned, he would at least strongly consider the idea of getting Jag out of the game. There are just two easier options left in Felicia and Bowie Jane where if you make it to the end with one of them, you more than likely take home the grand prize. Jag has a great chance of winning part 1 of the final Head of Household and from there, he probably thinks that he needs to win part 3 in order to win the game. (Of course, part 3 does tend to be a little bit unpredictable, and you can’t forget about that as of right now.)

We will say this: Jag evicting Matt gives him a pretty incredible resume in order to win the game. While Matt could be hurt, this is certainly a big move that a lot of the jury would respect. Jag does have some things working against him, including that many twists have benefited him and he was previously evicted.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 25 right now, including other discussion from the feeds

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