Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Blue and America talk

Big Brother 25
Photo: CBS

Over the past hour on the Big Brother 25 live feeds, we have gotten a better sense of what America’s post-Cory game could be. Let’s just say that she still has a good bit of work to do here.

First and foremost, we should begin here by nothing that America is on the block with Cory and while he has campaigned, he’s almost certainly going. America likely realizes this and today, she is starting to try and chart a path forward. That included a really awkward conversation with Blue, where she had to admit to some tactics and where Blue also admitted that America could be a target moving forward.

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While the two were able to admit that they like one another on a personal level, it is pretty clear that they still have a lot of game-related problems to sort through and they really should. While Blue has loyalty to Matt and Jag, she needs to eventually realize that she needs another path to the end of the game. America is going to be desperate now and she doesn’t have Cory anymore.

Matt and Jag look ahead

If nothing else, we’re at least happy to see the two realize that moving forward, they really just need to win competitions — they might be able to trust that someone like Bowie Jane wouldn’t nominate them, they do seem to be aware that they are the biggest targets left at this point and there is still a few weeks’ worth of game left to be played. A lot can happen over that span of time! They are going to need to rely on each other and for now, here is your reminder that Jag is eligible to play seemingly in the next HoH.

Related There is a 90-minute episode of Big Brother 25 airing tonight on CBS

Do you think that Blue and America could actually work together on Big Brother 25?

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