Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Cirie and Felicia’s plan (day 77)

Big Brother 25

If there is one thing that we’ve known about for weeks with Big Brother 25, it is this: Flip-flopping runs rampant. No one ever seems to make up their minds, unless it involves Cameron being on the block.

With that, is there any chance at all that Cory could actually stay over America after the big Veto Ceremony blindside? If nothing else, we can say that there were conversations happening on that very subject yesterday.

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Here is some of what went down overnight: Cirie and Felicia had some long conversations about whether it would be better to keep Cory, who would remain a big target and in theory, would be after Matt and Jag for revenge. However, they determined that America is more likely to work against the guys long-term and there is a chance Cory could re-join them — we’re not sure we buy that but, in general, we wouldn’t keep Cory just because he is a much larger threat long-term from what we’ve seen so far.

Cirie and Felicia actually have an interesting idea moving forward to target Bowie Jane, mostly because her leaving would pull the number away from Matt and Jag while also giving them the pretense of loyalty for a little while longer. They don’t feel like they can trust her, so why keep her around? (We do think this plan will change a million times still.)

The thing we are the most curious about today is how America and Cory will campaign after getting some sleep and letting some emotions settle down. Both are angry, but also understand that this was not a move based on emotion. They didn’t want to go to the end with Matt and Jag, either! They were just targeted before they had a chance to do anything back.

Related Read more on the Big Brother 25 Veto Ceremony aftermath now

What do you think we will see campaign-wise from the Big Brother 25 house today?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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