Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Vote flip locked in? (day 64)

Big Brother 25

We knew that there was a chance for there to be a flip this week in Big Brother 25 and yet, we weren’t sure it was that likely to happen. However, here is the really funny thing about this season — it almost always finds a way to surprise us, almost no matter what is going down.

So what happened today? Well, let’s just say that Felicia may actually be staying this week, and the vote as of right now will send Mecole packing.

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Still, there is a big part of this that feels pretty darn hilarious. After all, Cory has been a proponent of keeping Felicia for a while, even in spite of 1) Felicia blowing up on him at the Veto Ceremony and 2) that argument between Felicia and America. Matt and Jag, meanwhile, have started to understand that keeping Felicia is bad for Cory’s game since she wants him gone. Cameron feels the same way. Really, getting the numbers together to take Mecole out wasn’t that hard. (Felicia also is looking at targeting Cameron, so this isn’t a move for him either, regardless of what he may think.)

If things continue down this road, there may not be that much drama when it comes to a final vote tomorrow. The truth here is that as smart and savvy as Mecole is, she hasn’t really been willing to get into the mud that this game requires sometimes. She hasn’t been that adaptable and while she can feel proud of the loyal game she’s played, it does feel like she’s leaving some stuff on the table if she does end up exiting the house.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother 25 right now, including the saga of Bowie Jane’s birthday

What do you think: Is getting rid of Mecole really the right move within the Big Brother 25 house?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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