Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Is the eviction plan clear? (day 37)

Big Brother 25

At this point in Big Brother 25, we would say that we’ve become conditioned to expect a ton of flip-flopping at every turn. With that in mind, it is almost weird that there was not really anything that crazy that happened last night. With that being said, you are seeing a lot of people trying to position themselves more and more for the long-term future.

Take, for starters, the simple fact that Jared wanted to tell Cameron that Red could be in danger — he did not say for sure that he would be evicted, but he gave him somewhat of a heads-up while some of his other allies contemplated telling him. Jared is clearly trying to cover some of his bases in preparation of an 8-2 vote, which they will blame on the house flipping, Cory and America, or something else that they like to say.

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Meanwhile, Jared also decided to tell Cory and America for some reason that he was on television when he was on 18 years old — “national” television, in fact. This man is desperate for people to learn the truth and it’s hilarious. At some point, we tend to wonder that a big-time Survivor fan like Cory could put two and two together, especially since he is related to a former player. Isn’t there a chance that someone else has a connection as well?

With the eviction vote for Red largely settled, a lot of people are trying to look ahead. America and Cory spent most of last night (together again, their minor beef over Cory not telling her things seems to be settled) frustrated with most of the house, especially Jag and Matt who are largely useless to them strategically. We do wonder if Jag will try to do something more substantial if he wins HoH, but he is so oblivious and thinks that Seven Deadly Sins is still a thing. He’s a great guy, but still not great at this game.

Related Check out some more news on Big Brother 25, including some other bits and pieces of intel on the feeds

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(Photo: CBS.)

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