Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Post-eviction plans

Big Brother 25

With our remaining Big Brother 25 update of the day, let’s go ahead and talk about something that is always amusing. Even though Red is almost 100% leaving this week, he’s still there and people are already playing like he isn’t. The most of the gametalk right now is all about life without the guy as a part of the game!

So what does it mean? Well, for starters, contingency plans are on the menu as Cirie and others try to ensure that they are protected if Cameron wins the next Head of Household.

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What’s one part of this? Jared and Matt working to create some sort of fake pseudo-coalition with Cameron tonight, knowing he doesn’t have anywhere else to turn. They can argue that they are all strong dudes who can compete until the end, and that may be something a guy like Cameron can relate to.

Meanwhile, it seems like Jared and Matt may potentially tell Cam that they don’t have the votes for Red tomorrow; with that, we may get (ugh) another unanimous vote. They may also try to spin this in a way where Cirie fought for Red and it didn’t work out, just so that he’s not mad at her, also.

The irony in all of this…

Despite the talks / potential talks to Cameron, everyone is conspiring to take him out next week if the opportunity is there. He’s won competitions in two straight weeks and with that, he is now a threat. Cirie has spun it to Felicia that Jag would be the target after that … but we know already that she’s starting to throw Felicia under the bus here or there. She could be a target soon, but so could Jag or America. There’s still time for things to change a hundred different ways.

Related Check out some more discussion on Big Brother 25 and some future targets as we look ahead!

Are you still shocked Red is leaving on Big Brother 25 this week?

Let us know in the comments below! Once you do, come back to get some other information.

(Photo: CBS.)

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