Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Jag’s last stand; HoH hopes

Big Brother 25

The latest Big Brother 25 eviction show is just about here, so do we have a reasonable sense at this point as to what is going to happen? Well, we’d argue that our answer to this (at least for now) is a little bit of yes and no.

For now, Jag is 100% heading out of the game tonight. We do feel for him since so many people have continued to assure him that he is safe and yet, it doesn’t quite matter. To us, it honestly does feel like some people want him around like Cirie, Matt, and America. However, Jared has been steadfastly against it, we don’t think Mecole is that into it, and in general, this was Cameron and Red’s target this week and nobody wants to tip their hand at this particular moment.

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At this point, Jag’s only chance is if Matt uses his power to save him, and it does actually seem like he would have told production already if that is happening. We think it’s possible, but doubtful since he has one more week to use it and he cares more about himself and Cirie at this point.

Who needs Head of Household?

Above everyone else, it’s America. She has become and more of a target over the past 24 hours with how outspoken she is, and we don’t think she is afraid of going against Cirie, Izzy, and Felicia. She doesn’t like how Red speaks about her, but we think she’s going to play more strategically in mind. Some may argue that it would be too fast to target them, but and it technically would be because of Matt’s power. However, she doesn’t know what the power is. She realizes that she’s best-case scenario eighth place just going with their plan.

Another person here in need is Red, given that he and Cameron are easy targets. Note that there is no info suggesting the HoH will be on feeds, so it will likely either be something mental or skill-based.

Related Read more about the events of Big Brother 25 from overnight right now

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(Photo: CBS.)

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