Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Did Jared and Blue kiss?
So did the relationship reach another point today? Well, there’s a pretty strong indicator that this is it and they just had a long kissing session under the covers.
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Typically, we write these pieces with some sort of game strategy in mind — so why does any of this matter? Well, the only answer we can give to this right now is that it is reasonably important from the vantage point of Jared’s secret. He has already dropped a handful of hints about this already to Blue and we think that at some point, he’s going to fall so deep into this that he is going to go ahead and expose everything. When that happens … what a mess things are going to be for him. That is information that Blue could use to regain a little bit of power. That is, provided of course that she doesn’t just pull an Izzy and decide that she’s more than fine with being in there with a mother – son duo.
What else is happening?
Well, things remain fairly calm at present, though there was an interesting conversation between America and Jag earlier where they started to plot out more of the future. America is certainly the one most aware right now of what Izzy, Cirie, and Felicia are up to, and she’s been that way most of the past 24 hours. The problem is that she’s having a hard time finding allies, and while we think Jag buys into the idea that Izzy wants someone like out, what can he really do? After the stunt he pulled trying to save Reilly, he really has to just spend the week sitting back in his chicken suit. He can figure out everything else after the fact.
Related – What did Jag figure out recently when it comes to Hisam?
Do you think Jared spills his Big Brother 25 secret to Blue sooner rather than later?
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(Photo: CBS.)