Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Hisam blindside incoming?
Well, we should really start off here by noting that there was an extreme amount of waffling on the subject yesterday but for most of Sunday, everything was pretty much settled. Hisam was going to go on the block after Jag used the Veto on himself, and he would almost certainly be evicted after the fact. The only major argument he has is that Cameron will ride it out in the middle for a little while. Hisam could try to expose the Professors and also throw a lot of people under the bus. Would that really work?
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We will have a better chance to discuss that tomorrow but tonight, Hisam is none the wiser as to what is actually going on here. There has not been any paranoia coming off of him and because everyone is still pretty new to the game, they probably don’t even recognize that when things are this quiet, they rarely ever are. Tomorrow will lead to an explosion of content across the board, and we certainly cannot wait to see some of that play out.
There is not a ton of gametalk tonight, but Cory and Jared had a conversation about trying to keep Red and Cameron around for a while — after all, they are easy nominations, and Cory is convinced that they will be going after the Jag / Blue side of things first. Those two could still be easy targets for some other people, especially since Jag, Blue, and Matt do have their alliance with Cirie, Jared, Felicia, and Izzy. Will that stick around forever? Probably not, but it is important to wonder for now.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 25, including Cameron and Red’s plan
Do you think Hisam is going to figure out his Big Brother 25 fate before the Veto Ceremony?
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(Photo: CBS.)