Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: How nominations will work (day 2)
Well, we understand that things are a little bit confusing, so let’s just start off by noting the following: Cory, Felicia, Kirsten, and Jared were the four houseguests in immediate danger following what happened with the competitions in the 90-minute premiere. They were all in danger of going on the block. Reilly, as Head of Household, had to pick two of them.
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So what is Reilly going to do? Well, earlier today Felicia spilled a lot of tea to her about Kirsten continuing to talk way too much within the game and because of that, getting herself in trouble. Not everyone trusts her! We know that Cory has also ruffled some feathers and isn’t viewed as trustworthy.
As we are writing this, Kirsten is pushing to Reilly the idea of them working together, while also saying that a ton of the guys are already working together. We don’t think that Reilly is buying all of it, especially since her current #1 in the game is a guy in Jag.
Where things go from here
As far as we can tell, the remainder of the week is not all that different from what we are used to within this show. There will be a Power of Veto Competition either tomorrow or Saturday, and per a conversation that Cirie had, it seems like the HoH can nominate anyone in the event that someone is taken off the block. She is not necessarily beholden to the four candidates, which is good given that this does not give her a lot of room in order to work.
Related – Get some more information from the Big Brother 25 live feeds earlier on in the day
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(Photo: CBS.)