Claim to Fame season 2: Is Olivia related to Jenny McCarthy?

Claim to Fame season 2

Tonight’s Claim to Fame season 2 episode was full of more guesses than ever — but is Olivia related to Jenny McCarthy?

The reason that this came up for us is actually not all that complicated. Let’s just put it like this for a moment here: She was clearly in danger tonight thanks to her being a possible Guesser and with that, there was a chance she’d target Karsyn, guess wrong, and be eliminated. Nobody in the house has been able to figure her out — as a matter of fact, they’ve thought mostly that she was related to Carrot Top! Getting rid of her now would enable them in order to ensure that she is not someone they have to take out a little later down the road.

Well, here is the really bad news for Olivia: She was named the Guesser and from there, she decided to go after her own ally in Karsyn. She was positive that she was related to Jeff Gordon. That theory has been out there for a good while!

Here’s the problem with that theory: It’s not true. Chris did a good job of working to manipulate her, and with that, setting her up to be eliminated herself. He did not know for sure if Karsyn was or was not Jeff Gordon, but this was a way to get one of them out regardless.

Now, the truth is revealed

Karsyn managed to trick everyone and with that, we ended up getting confirmation on the Jenny McCarthy theory. Given that nobody in the house was even close to figuring that out, she would have been able to probably win the whole show had she not been taken out tonight. (For those wondering, Jenny is actually Olivia’s aunt.)

Related Go ahead and get some other news on Claim to Fame, including some guesses about JR

What do you think about Olivia being Jenny McCarthy on Claim to Fame season 2?

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(Photo: ABC.)

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