Big Brother 25: Who is Jared Fields? About Cirie Fields’ son
In a way, we feel for Jared going into the game — everyone is going to immediately expect him to be the second coming of his mother, who is arguably the best player to never win this show. We hope that he actually does get a chance to show some of what he can bring to the table, and we certainly think it helps him that he’s not planning on telling anyone about his mom.
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However, here is the big challenge: Can he pull that off? We know that it’s not going to be easy for many reasons, with the biggest being the oh-so-simple fact that the longer that you are in a game like this, the harder it is to hide the truth about yourself. If he goes into the show with this philosophy in mind, he can’t slip up! If he does, he is setting the stage to really wreck his chances long-term and that will be a really hard thing to overcome at the end of the day.
Now, the one thing that could add (hilariously) to this challenge is that Survivor 42 alum Zach’s brother is also on the cast and if the truth comes out about him, there’s a chance people may suspect there are other CBS reality connections — this happened all the time back in season 15. People are paranoid in this game! They have a lot of time on their hands. By virtue of that, they are inevitably going to think and speculate probably in ways that they would not otherwise.
The premiere of Big Brother 25 is in just two days and rest assured, we are more than ready for it.
Related – Get some more news right now when it comes to the Big Brother 25 cast
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(Photo: CBS.)