Big Brother 25 live feeds: Reasons to ignore the rumors

Big Brother 24

Are there going to be Big Brother 25 live feeds over the course of the summer? There have been both rumors and fears out there about this, most of it due to a couple of things. First, you have the fact that this past Big Brother Canada season did away from them in favor of curated Digital Dailies. Meanwhile, there has been a lot of unfounded speculation online about the subject. It is true that the live feeds do occasionally lead to controversies; however, it is also a core element of what this game really is.

The funniest thing about the rumors is that CBS said all the way back on May 22 that there will be live feeds on Paramount+ this season. Yet, we do think we still need to give you more evidence as to why these are not going away anytime soon.

SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube for more videos on BIG BROTHER 25! We will have daily live-feed updates all summer and weekly live streams at our Patreon.

For those of you who didn’t hear, last summer CBS announced that more than 8.3 billion minutes of Big Brother 24 were watched across all platforms, whether it be their network or the aforementioned streaming service. This number did not even include viewership from the final weeks of the season, and it was more than any other show last year at that time including Stranger Things. This level of engagement is unprecedented; the network would be silly to eliminate live feeds from that equation. Remember also that they generate a lot of Paramount+ revenue from all of this, and that leads to viewers discovering other shows.

(Now, if only they would bring in all the Australian Survivor seasons again…)

So in the end, don’t worry about live feeds for season 25. Instead, just worry about the cast, the twists, and everything else we worry about year in and year out.

Related Big Brother 25 will be getting a live move-in

What do you think we are going to see with the Big Brother 25 live feeds this summer?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back for some other updates.

(Photo: CBS.)

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