Big Brother Canada 11 spoilers: Who won HoH, week 3?
Well, let’s just say now that the table is set for us to have a great time moving forward — after all, Kuzie is the new Head of Household! Personality-wise we love her, but the big concern right now is whether or not she needed to win this. (She probably did.)
One of the biggest issues with not getting live feeds is that it can be hard to figure out how defined some lines are within the game. We had hoped with the Roberto vote that it was just a one-week thing and not defined sides. However, it does appear as though Vanessa is going to be an early pick by a lot of people to go on the block … but Canada still has a chance to save her! What Kuzie needs to realize this week is that this is a great chance to split up Zach and Santina, who has already worked to throw Santina under the bus. It is kind of funny that the show last night demonstrated that Santina doesn’t want to play Zach’s game and yet, that’s still her side of the game at the moment.
Unfortunately, the big problem with Kuzie making a huge move is that there are a lot of people out there who will want revenge. This is what makes this week so dicey. You can try to play the long game, but there is an inherent risk that comes with that. It’s why it may be better to just play hard from the jump and work to ensure that you build a resume. You can always adjust for some other problems in the game later on.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother Canada 11, including our interview with Roberto
What do you think we are going to see when it comes to Kuzie as Big Brother Canada 11 Head of Household?
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