Big Brother Canada 10: Was Stephanie Paterson evicted? (day 20)

Was Stephanie Paterson evicted in the Big Brother Canada 10 house? Or, to be more specific, was she absolutely blindsided?

If you have been watching the feeds, then you know already that she was the target to go out for most of the past day or two. Yet, the entire house was not aware of the plan. The idea was to keep Stephanie and Head of Household Kyle out of the loop with it. When the feeds were taken down earlier today, the blindside was still intact and we’re sure that the producers 100% wanted this to happen. The question mostly was whether or not we’d actually see it materialize. People in this game have a hard time keeping their mouths shut.

So who deserves credit for the move? It’s a combo of a few different people, from fellow nominee Josh to women like Summer and Betty to everyone collectively for not saying much to anyone.

So what happened? We spent most of the episode studying body language to see if Stephanie knew she was in danger or not — yet, it didn’t seem like it. When Lacey-Lynne voted to evict Josh, we became all the more optimistic that a blindside was coming. The only votes that Stephanie got to stay were from Gino and Jacey, her two primary allies.

Goodbye, Stephanie

She was legitimately shocked, and this made for a great moment. Also, kudos to Arisa for delivering the “Josh … you are safe” line that was a direct throwback to Big Brother Canada 3 when we saw something similar happen with Godfrey the night Jordan got blindsided.

After the eviction, Stephanie gave credit to the “amazing liars” who are in the house — she got played. She also said that Kyle should be scared — and yea, he should be.

What do you think about tonight’s Big Brother Canada 10 episode?

Were you pulling for a blindside coming into it? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, come back for some other updates.

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