The Cleaning Lady season 1 episode 8 spoilers: Thony’s trek to Mexico
To get a few more details, be sure to check out the full The Cleaning Lady season 1 episode 8 synopsis below:
Thony enlists Arman’s help to get to Mexico for Luca’s transplant, but plans go dangerously off course when Hayak finds out Arman is lying to him. Thony finds herself in a desperate situation, forcing her to call upon both the former doctor and the newfound “gangsta” in herself in the all-new “Full On Gangsta” episode of THE CLEANING LADY airing Monday, Feb. 28 (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (CLD-108) (TV-14 D, L, S,V)
One of the things that the show has done a good job at so far is making each story feel like it’s own big event, and we absolutely hope there are a few big jaw-droppers in this one. The more that each episode can stand out, the better off the overall fabric of the show is and the more likely we are to get a season 2.
Speaking of a possible renewal, we do still think the ratings are in a position where there is hope. Nothing is guaranteed but let’s be honest here: They rarely ever are within this world. This show is at least delivering better than we expected leading into it.
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Cleaning Lady right now
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