The Blacklist season 9 episode 8 photo: Reddington, back in focus
Here, you can see Reddington having an important conversation of some sort with Mierce Xiu, one of the two women who have supported the character for much of the season so far. What’s going on here? There’s a chance that there is some sort of conflict here, but we recognize that photos can often be misleading and can lead you down the wrong road.
New The Blacklist video! Be sure to watch our take on this past episode below! Once you do just that, remember to also SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube — there are reviews, previews, and all sorts of other good stuff coming up.
The one thing that can be said with total certainty is that this episode is going to allow us to understand better what’s coming on the other side of Dembe’s betrayal. If you remember, it looks as though he allowed Liz to read the letter prior to her death, which would explain why she wasn’t able to kill Reddington as he once requested. Dembe may have done this for a pretty simple reason in wanting to look out for her humanity. However, at the same exact time Reddington values loyalty without questions. We know what happened with Mr. Kaplan. For years he viewed Dembe as one of his closest allies; that could make the pain here exponentially greater.
Rest assured that there is going to be a chance to learn more about Dembe’s side of things; however, you could be stuck waiting until episode 9 for that.
What do you most want to see when it comes to The Blacklist season 9 episode 8?
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