Power Book II: Ghost season 3 spoilers: Meet Professor Harper Bonet
According to a new report coming in from Deadline, former Lethal Weapon star Keesha Sharp has landed the aforementioned role, described as “a progressive intellectual and boho beauty.” We wonder already if she will be coming on board to replace Carrie (Melanie Liburd), who is the current main professor featured on the series. She has taught Tariq St. Patrick (Michael Rainey Jr.) and some other notable students since the start of the series, but she is currently wrapped up in a murder case involving her former colleague/occasional lover Jabari Reynolds.
Watch our most-recent Power Book II: Ghost review right now! Be sure to check out at least some of what we had to say about the most-recent episode right now. Once you do just that, be sure to also SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. There are other updates there you don’t want to miss.
In bringing Sharp on board now for this role, what the producers of Ghost are showing is that they are committed still to Tariq being at school as a significant plot point. As for how he gets back there (remember that he’s currently arrested), that remains to be seen.
So when will season 3 premiere? Probably not until the fall, at the earliest. (Shooting is going to be taking place throughout the early part of this year.) Remember that season 2 still has half of it still to air, so for the time being we’re sitting around and waiting to see what lies ahead here.
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost right now
What are you most hoping to check out when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost season 3 and this character, from what little we know?
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