Dexter: New Blood teaser: Sharpen your knives…
Now, we’re going to see the title character have a new lease on life! Over the course of the new iteration of the show there’s a lot of exciting stuff you’re going to see, plus also a very big question: Will Dexter Morgan really be able to avoid arrest?
Watch our Dexter: New Blood preview now! If you look below, you can see all sorts of discussion on where the show could go from here. After that, SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube — there are some other updates on the way, of course, and we don’t want you to miss any of them.
At the start of the series, here is what we can say about where Dexter stands: He will be working at a hunting/fishing store in the small town of Iron Lake, New York. He has a girlfriend, a new name in Jim Lindsay, and on paper, it seems like he’s figured out how to move forward and be happy. As for whether or not that will actually remain the case long-term, that’s where things start to become a little bit more complicated. His son Harrison is going to find him and some local disappearances could cause him to consider bringing out the Dark Passenger to play once more.
The new teaser HERE from Showtime shows Dexter sharpening his knives — this could be something totally unimportant, or he could be setting the stage for something deadly. Odds are, the ambiguity here is the point.
What excites you the most entering Dexter: New Blood?
Be sure to let us know right now in the attached comments! After you do just that, be sure to then also stay at the site for some other news throughout the coming days. There’s a LOT that we will be here to discuss! (Photo: Showtime.)