This Is Us season 5 finale promo: The wedding in ‘The Adirondacks’

This Is Us

The This Is Us season 5 finale is coming to NBC next week and based on the latest promo, we’re going to see a wedding! Or, at least so we hope.

When you look at the promo below for “The Adirondacks,” you can see things like Randall setting up the venue and Kevin promising that this could be the event for the ages. However, we don’t actually get all that much of Madison’s point of view. If you remember, she was starting to have some doubts at the end of this past episode, mostly because Kevin was struggling to answer that question about their long-term future. She doesn’t realize some of the revelations that he had at his own bachelor party.

Want to get some more news on This Is Us now in video form? Then check out what we had to say on this past episode below! Once you do that, be sure to subscribe to Matt & Jess on YouTube — we’ll have some other updates coming up before too long…

For those who aren’t familiar, “The Adirondacks” are a mountain range in upscale New York — and of course, they’ll have a role of their own to play in this story. You wouldn’t have this episode titled in such a way otherwise!

What we’re hoping to see throughout here is an emotional story of two people coming together and finding a way to celebrate something amazing and unexpected. We really hope that there is no cold-feet situation here, and that we can see Kevin and Madison together in the future. We’ve come to be so invested in these two! Yet, at the same time we also recognize that This Is Us is far from a show about perfection. It’s possible that we learn that Kevin and Madison stay together in the finale, only to realize at the same time that Kate and Toby do not. Get out your metaphorical hard-hats in advance!

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to This Is Us right now, including more details on what lies ahead

What do you most want to see on the This Is Us season 5 finale?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! After you do just that, remember to come back around for some other news. (Photo: NBC.)

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