Animal Kingdom season 4 episode 4 video: The Angela, Smurf showdown
For Smurf, she clearly has the advantage just because she’s had the power. She’s the one who understands the home turf and some of the people who are in her life. She can use that in order to pull strings, and there is this other component to her now that nobody quite knows about. Based on the diagnosis she got on the phone last week, she’s dying. Unless you can come up with a good treatment plan and find a way to get better, things are looking dire. She doesn’t have a whole lot to lose now, and that means that she could be even more brazen with what she chooses to do with Angela. She sees her as a threat, and she should see her as a threat. We don’t know exactly why it was around all of a sudden, but it’s fair to assume that it’s not for the best of reasons.
Smurf makes some good points and a sneak peek below, making it clear that Angela’s trying to do what she can in order to impress her probation officer. She found herself a place to live, and beyond that, it seems like she’s now got a job — or at least a steady one. Whether not she keeps said job remains to be seen, but she’s doing her best to put on the impression of putting down roots. She’s also able to take advantage of someone in Pope who clearly, isn’t exactly together mentally. That’s something that Smurf reminds Angela in the preview, and reminds her just how unpredictable the guy can be. (We’ve got seasons worth of evidence on that subject.)
Pope is probably not the right sort of person to spend a lot of time around. Yet, Angela has a history with him and the entire Cody family and for now, they seem like a home. Or, should we say a place that she can go and exploit. Even if it’s not a physical robbery, it may very well be an emotional one.
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The one thing that Angela has going for her is that nobody knows exactly the sort of person she is anymore. It’s like running into someone at your high school reunion and you haven’t seen them in 10 years. You may hold on to all these memories of who you think that they are, but in that time, they could have changed radically. They can use that in order to destroy the world around them, and we certainly expect Emily Deschanel’s character to do that here or there before this season comes to a close. There’s probably some major stuff coming up with her, but we’re not at the point where are able to see it just yet.
For now, let’s just relishing the idea of getting Deschanel in a bunch of scenes with Ellen Barkin. These two are going at each other and it is absolutely entertaining to watch.
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