Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 3 review: Survivor funerals & Slamtown mythology
Of course, a big part of the reason why is that for the first time this season, the Goliath tribe went to Tribal Council. There’s something very fun about watching people have to relinquish themselves of nine days worth of pent-up Survivor tension. There was a ton of that within this group, especially since you had this person in Natalie who has made a name for herself rubbing people the wrong way. Yet, as frustrating as Natalie may be for some of these people to be around, she’s also not an enormous threat. she’s not playing the game a hundred miles an hour.
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For Jeremy, his undoing — or funeral, to use the term that he introduced tonight — was that he was a whirling dervish almost the entire time he was out there. This is a man without a filter, without control, and far too much paranoia. It’s one thing to tell one person that Dan has the idol; it’s another thing to tell everyone. If you play this game too hard, too fast, it’s really hard for anyone to trust you. That was illustrated by Mike perfectly; he liked Jeremy as a person, but he understood that he would bury himself. He just so happened to do that sooner than expected.
Meanwhile, with Natalie you do have someone who is vowing to be Goliath strong and, for better or worse, seems reasonably loyal. She’s a huge personality (and incredibly entertaining), but we also don’t think she is out to orchestrate many big blindsides. For the record, we don’t consider this a blindside since Jeremy knew that he was at least being targeted by one person.
Life at the David camp
For now, all is good given that they didn’t go to Tribal Council. Yet, there are some serious cracks in here. For Bi, her biggest problem may just be her knee. She is already concerned about it at this point in the game and given her profession and injury history, we wouldn’t be shocked if she is evacuated at some point. Meanwhile, Christian and Nick think that they are running things with Mason Dixon being in the middle of the game; Nick’s even trying to throw Gabby under the bus to make sure that Christian doesn’t have anywhere else to turn. The problem here is that he’s assuming that the two of them are going to be on the same tribe forever and that may not be the case. They’re good players, but there are going to be some problems coming up for them in due time.
At least with this group, though, they actually seem to be getting along better than the Goliaths. That seems to be a pretty strong indicator, at least for us, that they would fare better after a swap. (Also, Christian creating this whole Slamtown extended universe — in honor of one of John Hennigan’s many wrestling monikers — was one of the best parts of the entire episode.)
CarterMatt Verdict
There was no real blindside, but the Goliath tribe showed itself to be a very entertaining group tonight. We’re all-in on Natalie as Survivor entertainment, and kudos has to go to Angelina for really being the one to orchestrate the Jeremy boot tonight — beyond of course Jeremy repeatedly shooting himself in the foot by trying to stop side conversations. (Did he never see Garrett do this on Survivor: Cagayan?)
What’s next? – Take a look at our preview now for the tribe swap and more!
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