The Big Bang Theory season 12 episode 2: Is Raj getting an arranged marriage?

The Big Bang Theory season 11 episode 2

The Big Bang Theory season 12 episode 2 is going to be the second installment coming up on CBS’ premiere week schedule. Why are they doing that? They want to take advantage of the show’s ratings as much as they can! Given that they’re only going to have it for one more season, they might as well do everything that they can in order to make the most of it. This helps CBS to launch the show on two separate nights, and while the premiere will give you some of the Amy/Sheldon honeymoon, the second episode is going to be offering plenty of fun as well. Not only that, but this is also going to give viewers a chance to see some interesting story for Raj. For anyone out there who wants to see this character’s romantic future play out, this will be a part of it.

We do mention in the video below (subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for more) that we want to see some sort of romantic resolution when it comes to Raj’s story this season (unless he’s getting a spin-off – then we don’t mind waiting). Yet, we can’t quite say that we’re pulling for an arranged marriage. We want him to actually marry for love!

The Big Bang Theory season 12 episode 2 synopsis that CarterMatt has for you below offers up more when it comes to what you can expect:

“The Wedding Gift Wormhole” – Sheldon and Amy drive themselves crazy trying to figure out what “perfect gift” Leonard and Penny gave them for their wedding. Also, Koothrappali decides he wants to settle down and asks his father to arrange a marriage for him, on THE BIG BANG THEORY, when it moves to its regular time slot, Thursday, Sept. 27 (8:00-8:31 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Related Check out some other news when it comes to The Big Bang Theory, including some of what we want to see by the series finale!

What do you want to see in regards to The Big Bang Theory season 12 episode 2? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments!

Meanwhile, you can like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want to get some other news when it comes to the show. (Photo: CBS.)

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